Tuesday 3 May 2016

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

I have always known that it takes ages and I mean ages for a whole film to be finished but going through the process myself myself makes it even longer.

We used all sorts of equipment and software on the journey to creating this film.

Before anything started we had to do a bit of research and planning at first, and within this we used:

Apple MacBook

This is one piece of Hardware which aloud us to write up this current blog and when it comes to it edit our film, it was also used for various other software that only this has.

So for this software then, we used a wide range of things:


This was used to create the TAP client profile, and the actual script for the Thriller opening. Word was such an easy piece of software to use, and if we had used anything else then god knows what would of happened.


This piece of software was to create the final script and make it look professional, all of our previous script making was either done on 'Word' or was simply scribbled down on a piece of paper so we either wouldn't forget it or we didn't have access to a 'MacBook' at the time, but when we did our ideas and thoughts we're written down on 'Word'.


YouTube was used for the sole purpose of gaining videos either for this blog, or for the soundtrack of our film. It was used especially of gaining the trailers for a lot of the films I use as a examples:


Now this is what all the coursework is based on and without it you wouldn't of been able to of read this. It basically let's us document our work but with everything that's new to some it can be a bit struggling to get your head round as you have all these finicky buttons to mess around with.


Google has to be the most important part of this process because without it, we wouldn't of been able to do half the stuff we have done. We used it to do research on all sorts of websites and gain access to a lot of help and work.


And one last final thing 'IMDB', this was used to get research and indulge much more deeper into films of the similar genre to ours, this way it was to get the best successful thriller we could.


During the filming process we used only two pieces of equipment that we're of a real importance. This was a 'Sony HD Video Camera' and a 'Voice Recorder'.

For the most obvious reasons we used this was to capture our film, it was very good, and captured everything we wanted it's just a shame we couldn't capture the great acting we wanted.

The next piece was:

The 'Voice Recorder'

This was for the use of recording sound or dialogue that the camera (Above) could not capture, it also gave a much clear and crisp sound than what the camera wouldn't sometimes produce, this worked especially good when working afar from the camera.


Once everything had been filmed, it was then up this software 'Final Cut Pro X' to do all the cut, cropping, and magic it does to create a film or in the example above either a montage or advert for what appears to be some new model of car, and to be honest it's not the easiest of things to work with so we all did what we could to create the film.