Thursday 1 October 2015

Basic Filming Rules

In this post I will be talking to you and showing you several filming rules. I will also input some videos along the way to give you more understanding. These rules include; Rule of Thirds, 180 Degree Rule, Continuity and 30 Degree Rule.

Rule Of Thirds - Now this it what makes pictures, films and any other type of media to look more aesthetically pleasing to the audience and make a what once a dull and boring video to look more professional and easier to watch. The video below gives a demonstration as to why this is.

180 Degree Rule -  Another video again now but this times it demonstrates what the 180 degree rule is and why its rather important its used in film.

Continuity - Here's a video demonstrating continuity errors and that even professionals can have things go wrong for them when filming on set, for instance having a camera man in the frame and is clearly visible to the viewers that he shouldn't be there.

30 Degree Rule -  This is where you have a shot of a character and then you shoot him from a different angle without intervening the shot. The camera angle should always change by at least 30 Degrees. If the rule is obeyed then there are no disruptions to the shot. Here is an example of the 30 Degree rule below.

Within my next post will be talking about and showing you our 'Preliminary Task' and what it is, and what we had to do.