Saturday 3 October 2015

Film Studio Ident Research

A studio ident is the way studios present themselves using the effects of visuals and sound in order to show the audience that yes they had something to do with the film. Idents ultimately show the audience at home or the cinema what type of film genre it is going to be.

A worldwide known logo that as soon as you see you just know that it's a super hero film, but it's much more than just that, if you watch it carefully you notice that it starts of with looks like comics in the background and that there being flipped like pages just as they were when they were originally comic books. This shows the popularity of Marvel and the rise of a new era, almost like the rise of a new hero. Someone or something to look up to, and with it's bold white writing on a red background shows the audience it's dominance and that  what is about to come there way, you best get ready for it because it's going to be a bumpy ride. The sound of 'Marvel' is very super hero like, and what I mean by this is that the type of music is like a fanfare (This is a short piece of music played on brass instruments, typically to introduce something or someone important). Superheros are seen as this bold image and in essence someone who is very important and just like the music they are both bold, and very important.

A company I always recognize with, is the film 'The Expendables' I know they have done hundreds of more films past and present to 'The Expendables' but I think I was that age when I first 'The Expendables' I actually appreciated films and what they actually meant and the time and effort to actually make a movie. So after learning now more about Film Studio Indents, I decided to write up about Lionsgate.
Lionsgate have gone for a rather deep message that they want to give to their audience when watching there films. At the very start, they have what looks to be clockwork, and if you don't already know about clock's and watches, is that they take months or almost years to perfect the perfect piece and in some sense that works exactly the same way for the films. A film cannot be made and produced at the click of finger but months on end of dedication from all the crew to get the final product. So as the camera moves away, it slips through the key hole and the gate opens, you see the word 'Lionsgate', that then gives the audience the satisfaction to say everything has been put together in order for the final piece for all to enjoy with an upbeat soundtrack in the background as the gates open to show it's victory. Or as another controversy that may arise to some viewers is that at the very start it could ultimately be inside a door handle and as the key is being turned the door is being opened, but where is this door being opened to I wonder? Is the door being opened to our minds? That maybe the case, the door is a metaphor that is opening our minds to our imagination. Our imagination is what makes things become real. So unlocking that will open up a world things, for us to think.   

Straight away from the word alone- 'Universal', you start humming or whistling the iconic theme that goes alongside it, but it's delivering much more than a catchy tune and specialized effects. It's giving the world life and energy and the will to do good just from the films that we watch, and that perhaps we could learn something or even be inspired to do something great in our day to day life and good will come from it, and ultimately give something back to the world and help replenish the harsh circumstances that some people live with every single day.

The next post will be all about the Film Opening Structure Research.